The world of Football







Apple's unfinished promise

Full-size image
Apple says new G5s will scream. Apple also said that this new G5s will be the
"The world's fastest personal computer". Could it be true?


Full-size imageThe
interior of Apple's new Power Mac G5, which is powered by a 64-bit server chip from IBM, the PowerPC 970 processor.

Full-size imageApple
CEO Steve Jobs introduced the iSight digital camera for use with the new version
of iChat, which introduces audio and video conferencing. The dinky camera sits
on top of the computer monitor or laptop screen, which Jobs said makes it easy
for people talking to make eye contact with each other. "It's a really big deal,
we've found," Jobs said. "It makes a big difference."

Full-size imageApple's
new iSight camera is designed to mount on top of a PowerBook.


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